
A stylish ring with state-of-the-art biometrics for sleep and recovery


is the most important time for our body and mind to recover from the mental and physical load of daily life. People in pain have trouble sleeping, and poor sleep makes it harder to deal with pain. This negative cycle has a profound impact both on autonomic nervous system function and on our hormonal balance and immune systems. By directly addressing one of the most important functional consequences of chronic pain, techniques to measure and improve sleep can bring relief to millions.


from the specific kinds of pain associated with musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) is especially affected by sleep. MSDs include regional pain in the neck-shoulder region and lower back. In studying MSDs, there is increased attention to the impact of psychosocial factors. Studies have shown an association between MSDs and a wide range of stress-related exposures. Chronic or frequently repeated stress without sufficient recovery can lead to an allostatic load. It is well established that stress manifests in various physiological disease indicators, such as increased heart rate, elevated blood pressure, and sustained muscle activity. Recent data even suggest that cardiovascular disorders are risk factors for developing chronic musculoskeletal pain.


is the world’s first heart rate, sleep, and activity sensing ring, allowing convenient passive measurement of sleep quality in detail, including how long we spend in each sleep stage. Oura helps people dealing with pain to find their own ways to improve sleep quality and gain more restorative sleep, as well as adjust daily activity levels based on the level of recovery. This helps build better balance in hormonal, immunological, and other functions to alleviate pain and inflammation, as well as aiding understanding of daily patterns. With this knowledge and awareness, it becomes mentally easier to make choices appropriate for dealing with pain and living joyfully.