
Elegant and accurate breath sensing to increase calm and reduce pain


can change our state of mind. The power of conscious breathing to reduce anxiety and increase relaxation has been known for thousands of years. There is ample clinical literature supporting this ancient knowledge. Slow diaphragmatic breathing is both a well-understood and empirically validated technique to manage both chronic and acute pain, without side effects. Why does this work? The reason is that the perception of pain is mediated by the brain and nervous system: pain can cause stress and anxiety, which can then increase pain reactivity – a vicious cycle. Adults breathe at 12-20 cycles per minute (cpm), fluctuating depending on a number of factors including current state of mind. As a result, the rhythms and patterns of our respiration help us assess how our days are really going.


can use slow breathing to reduce feelings of pain. But with the support of Spire, regulating your breathing becomes far easier, more fun (with instant feedback), and more informative. Spire provides immediate biofeedback about the pace and pattern of your breathing as you go about your day, leading to reduced stress, increased calm, and self-awareness about both one’s physical and mental state.


is small, elegant, and accurate. It is worn discreetly on the waist or bra. Almost invisible, Spire links the physical respiratory signal to a smartphone app that shows patterns and triggers. The app will even notify you if you haven’t had a deep breath for 20 minutes (vibrating the Spire at the same time). Spire also teaches the user how to slow their breathing with audio-guided Boosts. With accurate data directly from the body, Spire gives immediate feedback so users know if they are doing it right or not. One of the most timely and important topics in pain research and treatment is the influence of the mind on pain and resilience. Spire brings reliable biofeedback, advanced design, and the power of data to this emerging field.